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If you are an existing investor and wish to register for this service please click here.

If you are a new investor and wish to register for this service please click here.

Data Privacy. Your personal information will be collected by BNY Mellon Fund Managers Limited (‘BNYFM’) for the following purposes: (i) administration of your investment(s) and to manage your relationship with BNYFM; (ii) to confirm or update your records, verify your identity and perform customer due diligence in accordance with our regulatory obligations; (iii) the prevention and detection of fraud and other crimes; (iv) to monitor the performance and usage of technology and tools; (v) to develop, deliver and support our products and services; (vi) for compliance with legal, regulatory and tax obligations and guidance, and; (v) in connection with legal proceedings or for obtaining legal advice. Your personal information may be shared within the BNY Group including to those entities BNYFM has delegated certain functions and with selected third-parties including those that provide professional services and to appropriate tax, regulatory and other authorities. These entities may be based outside Europe and where this is the case, personal information will be transferred or stored under the protection of appropriate safeguards. Further information about how your personal information is collected, used and shared, the lawful basis on which such information is used and your associated legal rights is provided in the Privacy Policy.


Investorzone is a non advised service. We are not able to offer you advice on the suitability of our investment products.

Should you wish to contact a financial adviser please visit https://www.unbiased.co.uk/life/get-smart/financial-adviser.

Click the 'Forgot Password?' link and follow the instructions to reset your password.

By registering you’ll be able to see detailed information about your investments. You can see the current valuation, view previous transactions and even place new transactions. You can also manage your communication preferences and opt in to receiving your statements (half-yearly valuations, statements, tax vouchers, reports and accounts) through your online account rather than by post.

To register for the online service you'll need the following information: Your account number, name, postcode (UK Residents Only), Country of Residence, date of birth, and email address. You'll find your account number on most correspondence, including past statements or contract notes.

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